2) I've read a lot this quarter. A book that has been comforting to me is the book Fangirl. It is about a girl who fangirls while she is in college even though some of the people around her are trying to tell her to act more mature. The thing was she was mature but she still made time to fangirl and talk about the things she loves. That makes me feel better because I am a fangirl for life. I have fangirled over something for the entirety of my life and I am coming to terms with it. I think that in some ways fangirling is a good thing and could work well for me. For me it means I am passionate about a lot and I can get excited about the things I love.
3) When I started my blog I was really excited. Sometimes I get so intensely upset or passionate about something that I need to express my feelings and this has been a really good outlet for that. I also have enjoyed reading others blog posts because I think writing is a lot more honest than talking to someone and it gives people time to collect their thoughts. I'm not sure if people actually read my blog. I know I like reading others because it's kinda like reading someones diary.
4) I mostly liked writing my poems in my journal. I'm fine with you reading it but I don't think I'd like it as much if others did. I get really self conscious about my writing.

You were constant
but now you have the consistency
of sand
slipping through my fingers

I'm trying to think of rational ways to tell you
that you have become my universe.
How do you tell someone that they pull you together completely?
That they keep you in orbit.
That they created the tides that tug at your insides.
You can't.
Because what if it all unhinges,
and your planets aren't aligned?
And your sun burns out because you relied on it too much?
Now it's all dark and you can't even see the stars in their eyes anymore.
7) I think I will continue writing poems and songs because it has always been a really good outlet for me. I hate talking with people about my problems but writing them out or changing them into a poem really helps me. It is always really relieving to get my thoughts out of my head and transferred to something else.
8) I think the best advice I have would to be confident. I haven't always been very confident in myself, and I'm still not. But don't second guess yourself because if it is how you feel then it is always valid and important to someone. A lot of people have talent that they hide away in journals or in their rooms and no one knows how talented they are.
Such wisdom there in your last few lines--I hope you take those to heart yourself...I know it's not always easy. I hope you continue to find comfort and an outlet in words, those you write and those you read. And I hope you're eventually able to get over that one guy dropping out of One Direction. I know you were quite traumatized by that. : ) I'm glad you were in my class a good part of this year, Leslie. Best wishes to you! XOXO