I am…
a daughter, a friend, a sister, and a student.
a lot more than those things.
I am...
constantly in an uncomfortable reading position
always thinking way too far into things
usually thinking about different outcomes
changing myself and adapting to different social
writing pointless rants that are borderline journal entry
material and simultaneously hating writing research papers.
extremely opinionated but also always open to new ideas
excited to learn but very specific about what. People,
places, STORIES, religions,
cultures, lifestyles.
an adamant believer that people can change for the better
and that there is always room for improvement
very avid that word choice changes the paper or story
purposefully attentive when listening to others
an extreme lover of Oreos
always aware of what is going on around me
constantly wanting to absorb all the information I can for
future reference. Except when it comes to math.
very scared of birds. Very.
consistently forgetting the point of my rant halfway through
Infatuated by every aspect of music. Playing, writing,
annoyingly making jokes out of serious situations
wishing to learn a different language, live in a city,
travel, learn, write, live.
Your ability to make jokes out of serious situations will serve you well through the trials and tribulations of this life. When lots of things are going wrong at my house we always resort to the line from Dumb and Dumber: "Our pets HEADS are falling off!" I also consider myself an astute observer, an overthinker, an attentive listener, and STORIES are central to my life and who I am as well. I look forward to knowing more of yours...