1) My name is Leslie Maness
2) I am 18 and a senior at Kickapoo
3) Usually when I talk about being a senior
in high school I make a joke about being a senior citizen.
4) I’ve played soccer for as long as I can
remember and stopped my senior year.
5) I tore my ACL and that kind of ruined it
for me.
6) I like to sing and write my own songs.
7) I have a scar in between my thumb and
pointer finger from running up a hill while playing my Gameboy color when I was
8) I have a scar on my right elbow from my “skater
girl” phase where I made my mom buy me a skateboard.
9) I can’t skateboard
10) I’m rarely embarrassed. My friends hate
11) When I was little my mom and I found a
cat in the park and I made her take it back to our house
12) I named my cat Kiko and it jumped in my
bath and scratched me once.
13) I spent my whole life thinking Kiko had
run away and last year I found out that my mom had let him out because he kept
peeing on her shoes.
14) I also found out Kiko was a boy last
15) I remember my mom and I living in a small
duplex when I was younger.
16) There was a kid that lived in the other
half of the duplex but I don’t remember his name. I just remembered that he had
a gumball machine and love for Transformers.
17) One day I was hopping the fence that
divided our backyards and I ripped my pants.
18) My mom used to make chocolate milk every
morning for me before day care and preschool.
19) Sometimes before bed my mom would let me
fall asleep on the couch while I would watch the TV show Cheers. I didn’t
understand anything that happened in that show but for some reason I liked it.
20) I used to go to day care at a lady named
Carolins house.
21) She would watch Soap Operas during our
nap time. She had a giant TV and watched it in the same room we napped in. I
would usually just stay awake and watch them.
22) One time she washed my mouth out with
soap. I can’t remember what I said. I think I called a boy stupid. I do
remember that it tasted awful.
23) Carolin would give everyone jaw breakers
but my mom wouldn’t let me have jaw breakers so she never gave me any.
24) There was a field of cows that you had to
pass to get to Carolins house.
25) My dad and I lived in a little yellow
26) The backyard was huge (or at least felt
huge as a little kid) and there were a lot of rabbits.
27) We were walking distance from Baskin
28) One time I tricked my grandma into buying
me bubble gum ice cream because she didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to chew bubble
29) My dad’s house had a basement and he
liked to play records. I remember him playing the Go Go’s most distinctly.
30)I would force my dad to let me play “hair
dresser lady” where I would proceed to put unnecessary amounts of mousse in his
31)We would also play “library lady” I think
in this game I just gave him books. I was really young and entertained easily.
32) I really liked Scooby Doo when I was
younger but it also scared the living daylights out of me.
33) My dad and I would watch Scooby Doo and
play Candyland together.
34) I grew to fear ghosts and the child
psychologist I went to suggested that my parents give me a spray bottle and a
tube of glitter. I would spray and sprinkle them every night before bed because
my parents told me it would keep ghosts away.
35) When I was 3 or 4 I would read a cook
book every night before bed and sleep with it under my pillow at my dad’s house
36)I think that jinxed me because now I can’t
37) I’m running out of time to write this.
38)I am a procrastinator
39)I had my heart set on leaving Missouri but
then I visited the Mizzou campus
40) It has a pool with a freaking lazy river which
is a bit over the top.
41) I have really bad anxiety problems.
42) I haven’t had a nightmare in a really
lomg time.
43) I think I’m going to a Smallpools concert
in Tulsa next Friday.
44)Me and Alora are having a hard time
finding a hotel that let’s you check in at 18 so the plans might fall through.
45) I didn’t go to sleep until 2am last night
because I kept pushing off doing my homework
46)I’m going to be so tired at prom
47) to be continued...