I'm going to be an annoying teenager ranting about the flaws in the system for a few minutes while I'm still worked up.
I have come to terms with they way my mind works. I like letters and words and sentences and stories. These are the things I am good at and that I enjoy. I know this. I've known this for awhile. So why should I have had to take any math classes beyond the basics? Why will I have to when I start college? I can't think with numbers or math or science. My mind doesn't travel from point A to B. My mind takes a short break at Q and remembers an interesting fact from H. I can't see things as black and white. There will always be gray. I think in "maybe's" and "if's". So why is the school system trying to fit a square piece into a circle hole? Why are they frying my brain? I can't think that way. It's driving me insane. I'm taking College Algebra right now so these feelings are more than fresh.
I understand completely. I wish we could change the whole darn system. But how? I get overwhelmed at the enormity of that task.